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We lovingly volunteer our time and resources to facilitate these rescue missions. In the last year we have saved over 60 animals and assisted in dozens more rescue efforts by providing guidance and information to like minded animal lovers, as well as networking animals in need of homes. Below are some of our success stories!

If you'd like to support Kittie Komittee's rescue efforts, you can DONATE here.

If you want to learn more about these wonderful kitties who are up for adoption, click HERE.

We also offer customized Kittie sitting services for your special felines! Click HERE for more info.


Felicia was alerted to a family of kitties living underneath of a shed in Sylmar, CA in late April. A good Samaritan had been feeding the mom and with Felicia's guidance monitored them until they were old enough to be rescued. The mom is semi feral and was successfully TNR'd. She has become more and more friendly over time with her feeder. Fitz, Beloved, Kedi, Sarah Jane, Squeaky & Mama Varika. 


Only 1 week after rescuing the Sylmar Shed kittens, we learned of another family of kitties barely scraping by in a dirty parking lot behind an apartment complex in East Hollywood on a busy street. With no consistent access to food or water, the mama was on the verge of starvation from feeding her kittens. These kitties were in rough shape. They had URI's, severe flea infestation, & were very malnourished. With the help of friends, Felicia spent three long days waiting, coaxing, and trapping all 6 kitties- Fela, Seun, Miss Rabbit, Mr. Grey, Mr. Milkshake and Mama Nova, This was one of the trickiest rescue missions because the kittens were all very good at hiding in places that we could not access. We believe Mama had a home as a kitten and was dumped because she was not completely feral and went into the trap very willingly. 


Later in June, Felicia received an inquiry for help and took on the task of saving 5 more kittens & their Mama who were living under a restaurant on Abbot Kinney. Thanks to the care & compassion of the GM of the restaurant, Nadia, she and Felicia spent 3 days trapping, bathing, & slowly beginning to build trust with the kittens. They were a bit older (12 weeks old) and trickier to socialize because their distrust & fear of humans was already more engrained. Nadia  made amazing progress while fostering them & they are now in happy forever homes. Mama was truly feral and very stressed being confined, so she was TNR'd, meaning we had her spayed, vaccinated and then returned her back to her natural habitat. Buci, Bowie, Murphy, Jagger, and Mama Vintage.


In early August a family of severely neglected cats were discovered in someone's yard in mar vista. They had been born indoors, to the owners cat, but when they began having health issues they were put outside because they were "too messy". The kittens were severely emaciated and half the weight they should have been for their age. They were being fed dry dog food and had an extreme parasite infestation. These kittens were in the worst shape physically that we had seen to date. They were also just about the sweetest kittens we had ever met, despite the conditions they were living in. Luckily we were able to Team up with the rescue team to save them and get them the medical care they needed. Sadly while working on a rescue plan for two the adult cats, they were both hit by cars.


While helping a potential adopter search for a siamese cat, Felicia came across two gorgeous siamese siblings who were being re-homed on craigslist because their owner was moving and his new residence did not allow pets. He was out of time and had to re-home them that evening. He was trying to find a good home and had turned down several people who had inquired that didn't seem quite right. He was out of options. Felicia was able to connect the kitties with a wonderful foster. 

Many people don't know the dangers of re-homing an animal on craigslist. If you have to re-home a pet, reach out a local rescues to find out  if they will allow you to show at their adoption events or help network your animals. By getting a rescue involved, they can insure the new owners are properly screened. Please be aware that most rescues are volunteer run and funded and usually short on space. Many rescues are foster based, meaning they do not have a physical facility so asking them if they can take your animals is not always possible. Many will help you try to get them adopted though!


Felicia learned about a beautiful orange Maine Coon beauty who had been left behind at an apt building in Boyle Heights when his owner had passed away 3 years ago. Several people had been leaving food out for him but he lost the safe home he once had indoors. A good Samaritan who had taken over feeding him could see how sweet and heartbroken he was and she wanted a better life for him so she posted him in some rescue groups. We teamed up with Sante D'Or to rescue him and now he's living the good life with his foster Mom who ended up adopting him.

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